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With a Word on Fire Digital subscription, you will instantly have access to ALL of Bishop Barron's video programs. You’ll also be the first to gain access to new releases as well as other content that will be added throughout the year.
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The Mary Pages - Audiobook
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Raised in an atheist household, Sally Read nevertheless saw images of the Blessed Virgin Mary from earliest childhood—and they remained with her in the most remarkable ways. Conscious of the conflict between her feminist values and what came to be a fascination with Marian art, Read—through tumul...
An Introduction to Prayer - Audiobook
1 video | Buy $14.95
Prayer fascinates us. Studies show that even atheists and agnostics sometimes pray. But what precisely is prayer? How does it “work”? And what are some of the time-tested ways to practice it?
An Introduction to Prayer offers a collection of rich yet brief reflections on prayer in the Catholic sp...
12 videos | Rent $8.95 | Buy $39.95
The Creed
12 videos | Rent $8.95 | Buy $39.95
Recent decades have witnessed a surge of the religiously unaffiliated, especially among young people. Many former believers have simply turned their backs on Christianity and no longer accept its teachings. But what are those teachings? And are they the same as what so many people reject?
In The...
2 videos | Buy $10
24 videos | Buy $99.95
The Pivotal Players- The Complete Series
24 videos | Buy $99.95
All 12 episodes from Bishop Barron's series on The Pivotal Players
Pivotal Players: Bartolomé & St. Ignatius
4 videos | Buy $29.95
Pivotal Players: Bartolomé & St. Ignatius
12 videos | Rent $8.95 | Buy $39.95
The Sacraments
12 videos | Rent $8.95 | Buy $39.95
The great sacraments of the Church—Baptism, Confirmation, the Eucharist, Reconciliation, the Anointing of the Sick, Matrimony, and Holy Orders—have endured for thousands of years and structured countless lives. Everything in the Church’s life comes from and returns to them.
But there is far more...
20 videos | Buy $49.95
Catholicism Pilgrimage Journal
20 videos | Buy $49.95
The CATHOLCISM Pilgrimage Journal takes middle and high school students on a virtual pilgrimage with Bishop Barron. You’ll walk through the entire CATHOLICISM series using shorter videos and written materials designed specifically for middle and high school students. Catechists, teachers, parents...
46 videos | Buy $99.99
Catholicism School Enrichment
46 videos | Buy $99.99
Engage middle and high school students more deeply and interactively with CATHOLICISM School Enrichment. Bring students around the world and deep into the Faith with Bishop Barron, a trusted source of authentic Church teaching whom Cardinal Francis George has called “one of the Church's best mes...
Pivotal Players: Fulton Sheen & Flannery O'Connor
5 videos | Rent $9.95 | Buy $29.95
Fulton J. Sheen & Flannery O'Connor
Pivotal Players: St. Augustine & St. Benedict
4 videos | Rent $9.95 | Buy $29.95
Continue following Bishop Barron on the journey to unlock the truth behind the most influential figures of the Catholic Church in this newest installment of the Pivotal Players Series.
Perhaps the premier example of how faith in Christ changed a person is the fourth century bishop, Saint Augus...
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1 video | Buy $9.95
This 15-track musical score, composed by Steve Mullen, accompanies Bishop Robert Barron's CATHOLICISM documentary series and draws upon melodies from traditional Gregorian chant composed. Bishop Barron's words and the rich imagery of the series are amplified by the emotional power of these treasu...
18 videos | Rent $8.95 | Buy $39.95
The Mass
18 videos | Rent $8.95 | Buy $39.95
You now have instant access to Bishop Barron's Film, The Mass!
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Or download the Word on Fire app on Apple TV, iPhone, iPad, Android, Roku, Amazon FireTV, XboxOne, or select Samsung Smart TVs.
PS: For future log-ins, you'll...
1 video | Buy $19.95
Tre Ore
1 video | Buy $19.95
“The Three Hours' Agony" or Tre Ore is a liturgical service held on Good Friday from noon until 3 o'clock to commemorate the Passion of Christ. Specifically, it refers to the three hours that Jesus hung on the Cross and includes a series of homilies on the seven last words spoken by Christ. Bisho...
12 videos | Buy $49.95
The Pivotal Players Volume I
12 videos | Buy $49.95
Bishop Barron is on a new journey to unlock the truth behind the Catholic Church's most influential people! You'll discover the places where St. Thomas Aquinas lived, learned, and wrote. Visit the countryside where St. Francis gathered a group of friars and revived the Church. See the places wher...
30 videos | Buy $49.95
30 videos | Buy $49.95
Journey around the world and deep into the Faith.
In breathtaking, high-definition cinematography, the beauty, goodness and truth of the Catholic Faith are illustrated in a rich, multimedia experience.
Journey with acclaimed author, speaker and theologian Bishop Robert Barron to more than 5...
10 videos | Buy $49.95
Catholicism - German
10 videos | Buy $49.95
(508 Minuten) Reise um die Welt und tief in den Glauben.
In atemberaubender, hochauflösender Kinematographie werden die Schönheit, die Güte und die Wahrheit des katholischen Glaubens in einem wunderbaren multimedialen Erlebnisveranschaulicht.
Reisen Sie zu mehr als 50 Orten in 15 Ländern mit de...
10 videos | Buy $49.95
Catholicism - Polish
10 videos | Buy $49.95
Dziewięciogodzinna podróż dookoła świta i w głąb wiary katolickiej.
Prawda, dobro i piękno katolicyzmu zaprezentowane w multimedialnej formie, w standardzie High Definition.
Podróż ze znanym i cenionym autorem, Biskupem Robertem Baronem do ponad 50 miejsc w 15 krajach świata.
Olśniewające, du...
10 videos | Buy $49.95
Catholicism - Spanish
10 videos | Buy $49.95
Un viaje alrededor del mundo, hasta las profundidades de la fe.
Por primera vez, con una filmación impresionante y de alta definición, la belleza, el bien y la verdad de la Fe Católica, son ilustradas en una hermosa experiencia multimedia. Viaje con el aclamado autor, conferencista y teólogo obi...
12 videos | Rent $8.95 | Buy $29.95
David the King
12 videos | Rent $8.95 | Buy $29.95
David is the paradigmatic king in the Old Testament. His kingship recalls that of Adam in the Garden of Eden, and yet it points toward the King par excellence, Jesus Christ. In David the King, Bishop Barron helps us to understand this pivotal figure in light of the first king and the King of king...
12 videos | Rent $8.95 | Buy $29.95
Mystery of God
12 videos | Rent $8.95 | Buy $29.95
Atheism is on the rise. The so-called New Atheism has attracted millions of young people thanks to bestselling books such as The God Delusion and God Is Not Great. How should Christians respond? How can we turn the tide of secularism and draw people back to God?
Reaching into our rich theologi...
12 videos | Rent $8.95 | Buy $29.95
Priest, Prophet, King
12 videos | Rent $8.95 | Buy $29.95
The better we understand Jesus, the better we understand ourselves. But who was Jesus, this itinerant preacher whom many called the Messiah? In Priest, Prophet, King, you’ll discover Jesus as the Anointed One – the ultimate priest, prophet, and king foreshadowed throughout the Hebrew Scriptures. ...
16 videos | Rent $6.95 | Buy $19.95
Seven Deadly Sins, Seven Lively Virtues
16 videos | Rent $6.95 | Buy $19.95
Join Bishop Robert Barron for this engaging presentation concerning the seven deadly sins, those great spiritual blocks that inhibit our flourishing in relationship with God and one another. Based on Dante’s writings, the seven deadly sins correspond to the seven stories of Dante’s Mt. Purgatory....
14 videos | Rent $6.95 | Buy $19.95
14 videos | Rent $6.95 | Buy $19.95
Bishop Robert Barron illuminates six biblical stories of conversion, demonstrating how six ordinary people, just like you, were met by Jesus where they were and called to a better life through Him. The common theme in each story is the turning of all one's attention and energy toward an ever deep...
10 videos | Rent $6.95 | Buy $19.95
10 videos | Rent $6.95 | Buy $19.95
Bishop Barron offers inspiring insights into the mystery of Christ's presence in our lives and the centrality of the Eucharist as an important part of that presence. So many believers do not understand the mystery of the Eucharist, which is the “source and summit of the Christian life.”
This f...
14 videos | Rent $6.95 | Buy $19.95
Untold Blessing
14 videos | Rent $6.95 | Buy $19.95
Our ultimate goal is to be a saint. It is our greatest calling and what is desired for us by our Creator.
Bishop Robert Barron paints a beautiful and mysterious image of what it takes to be a follower of Jesus Christ. He lays out three intriguing paths to holiness:
1. Finding the Center
2.... -
St. Francis of Assisi - Individual Episode
1 video | Rent $4.95 | Buy $9.95
(Episode 1 from CATHOLICISM: The Pivotal Players)
St. Francis of Assisi, the Reformer, literally lived according to the Gospel in all its simple, but radical, ways. His example of humility, poverty, love, and obedience transformed the Church of his day and proved that the way of Christ was not ... -
1 video | Rent $4.95 | Buy $9.95
Happy Are We - Ep. 2 CATHOLICISM
1 video | Rent $4.95 | Buy $9.95
The revelation of Jesus as God is accompanied by a stunning invitation to a unique new way of life, explained in the teachings of Jesus. To every generation, the words of Jesus have proven fascinating, disorienting, sometimes confounding, deeply transformative, and always unforgettable. Bishop Ba...
2 videos | Rent $4.95 | Buy $9.95
St. Thomas Aquinas - Individual Episode
2 videos | Rent $4.95 | Buy $9.95
(Episode 2 from CATHOLICISM: The Pivotal Players)
St. Thomas Aquinas, the Theologian, used his brilliant mind and deep faith to argue that faith and reason are not at odds as they come from the same source – God. Thomas spent considerable time writing about how the Christian faith is support...
The Ineffable Mystery of God - Ep. 3 CATHOLICISM
1 video | Rent $4.95 | Buy $9.95
Bishop Barron considers St. Anselm’s description of God as “that than which nothing greater can be thought,” and goes on to explain St. Thomas Aquinas’ arguments which support the claim that God truly exists. He also speaks from the Catholic tradition about the nature of God and the challenging q...
St. Catherine of Siena - Individual Episode
1 video | Rent $4.95 | Buy $9.95
(Episode 3 from CATHOLICISM: The Pivotal Players)
St. Catherine of Siena, the Mystic, witnessed to the existence of a dimension beyond the physical world in a particularly vivid way. At age six, she experienced the first of many visions that formed a lifelong dialogue with Christ, just as if...
Our Tainted Nature's Solitary Boast - Ep. 4 CATHOLICISM
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In this episode, Bishop Barron masterfully correlates the Catholic Faith’s testimony to the revelation of God in Christ with the vivid practices of reverence offered to his Mother. Mary is explained as “an on-going presence, an actor in the life of the Church.” Bishop Barron journeys to the humbl...
St. John Henry Newman - Individual Episode
1 video | Rent $4.95 | Buy $9.95
(Episode 4 from CATHOLICISM: The Pivotal Players)
Blessed John Henry Newman, the Convert, was called a traitor in every part of England due to his conversion from Anglicanism to Catholicism. Always searching for the truth, Newman had poured over the writings of the Church Fathers and came to ...
The Indispensable Men - Ep. 5 CATHOLICISM
1 video | Rent $4.95 | Buy $9.95
Bishop Barron calls Peter and Paul “two indispensable men, the ones without whom the church never would have emerged and survived.” In telling each man’s story, Bishop Barron shows how the Holy Spirit worked through all the apostles and disciples to build the Church. Following the trail of these ...
1 video | Rent $4.95 | Buy $9.95
G.K. Chesterton - Individual Episode
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(Episode 5 from CATHOLICISM: The Pivotal Players)
G.K. Chesterton, the Evangelist, was a large man who made a large splash as a writer. When his articles began to appear in the newspapers, all of literary London wanted to know: “Who is G.K.C.?” His essays had a freshness and originality about ...
A Body Both Suffering and Glorious - Ep. 6 CATHOLICISM
1 video | Rent $4.95 | Buy $9.95
Clearly answering the question, “What is the Church?” Bishop Barron presents the reality of the Church as “one, holy, catholic and apostolic.” The Body of Christ can be seen on earth from the Church’s center in Rome to the cities of New York, Sao Paolo, Manila, Namugongo and Uganda, while still e...
Word Made Flesh, True Bread of Heaven - Ep. 7 CATHOLICISM
1 video | Rent $4.95 | Buy $9.95
Bishop Barron explores the ancient practices of the Church’s worship that endure to this very day, and the notion that “all value is summed up in the liturgy, the supreme act by which we commune with God.” Considered by the Catholic Faith to be “the source and summit” of its identity and mission,...
1 video | Rent $4.95 | Buy $9.95
Michelangelo - Individual Episode
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(Episode 6 from CATHOLICISM: The Pivotal Players)
Michelangelo, the Artist, exhibited more brilliantly than anyone else that beauty is a route of access to God.
St. Augustine often cited a verse from the Book of Wisdom: “Thou hast ordered all things in measure, number, and weight” (11:21)....
A Vast Company of Witnesses - Ep. 8 CATHOLICISM
1 video | Rent $4.95 | Buy $9.95
The story of the Church is told in the examples of those men and women who dedicated their lives to knowing and serving Jesus Christ. The Catholic Faith is made visible in real human lives. Bishop Barron gives consideration to some of the Church’s greatest heroes, and demonstrates how their extra...
1 video | Rent $4.95 | Buy $9.95
Amazed and Afraid - Ep.1 CATHOLICISM
1 video | Rent $4.95 | Buy $9.95
Episode 1 from CATHOLICISM
The strange and dangerous words of Jesus of Nazareth set up a drama that will culminate in a surprising battle between two kings, and in the wake of this conflict, an empire will be defeated – and the world will be changed. Bishop Robert Barron illuminates and explains... -
The Fire of His Love - Ep. 9 CATHOLICISM
1 video | Rent $4.95 | Buy $9.95
In this lesson, Bishop Barron explores Catholic spirituality, which is centered on prayer. As the Catechism of the Catholic Church states: “Prayer is the lifting up of the mind and the heart to God.” On pilgrimage to the places where the great saints and spiritual masters lived, Bishop Barron exp...
World Without End - Ep. 10 CATHOLICISM
1 video | Rent $4.95 | Buy $9.95
Explore the Church’s conviction that life here and now is preparation for an extraordinary world that is yet to come – a supernatural destiny. Bishop Barron presents the Catholic vision of death, judgment, heaven, hell and purgatory as he journeys to Florence, Ireland and Rome. The vision of the ...