Don’t Be Afraid to Ask — Bishop Barron’s Sunday Sermon
Friends, our Gospel this Sunday focuses on a leper kneeling before Jesus, saying, "If you wish, you can make me clean." A lot of us, in our sin, feel like a leper; we feel we are unclean, ostracized, and unworthy of forgiveness. Nonsense! The Gospel invites us to confidently approach Jesus, and to hear his response through the ministry of the Church: “I do will it. Be made clean.”
Up Next in Sermons
What Our Lives Must Be About — Bishop...
Friends, in this Sunday's reading, St. Paul affirms what stands at the center of his life: preaching the glad tidings that God has won the victory over sin and death, thereby liberating all creation. Paul's whole life revolved around this good news, and so it must be for us.
Greater than the Greatest of All Time...
Friends, Moses is, without a doubt, the greatest figure in the Old Testament. He heard the voice of God from the burning bush; he was chosen to lead the people Israel to freedom; he was given the Ten Commandments; he was permitted to speak with God as a friend. Every teacher within ancient Judais...
There’s Nowhere to Run — Bishop Barro...
Friends, this Sunday we hear the story of Jonah, a narrative about the acceptance (or rejection) of God’s mission. What would happen if every single person in our society commenced to embrace his or her mission from God? Jonah converted the entire city, from the King to the very animals. Imagine ...