We all believe in something, actually many things.
But how do we come to belief in anything, especially in God?
Even in matters of faith, we use our reason to say “I believe.”
Explore the concept of belief in this short video.
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Lesson 2 - Science Cannot Define God
Many agnostics and atheists believe that if science cannot explain something, it does not exist.
Science seeks to explain all things in the natural world.
Even though God is behind all things in the natural world, he is not one of them.
He is not a thing or a created being.
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Lesson 3 - Why Do Things Exist At All?
We live in the middle of the natural world where everything exists … for a time.
But each thing in the world cannot explain or create its own existence.
When we trace the cause of each thing’s existence, we get a little closer to God, the only reality that does exist without a cause.
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Lesson 4 - What is God, and What is N...
God is a mystery but by reason, we can get closer to understanding who he is. Christians profess belief in “one God,” which raises him to our highest authority. Other attributes of God can be identified and understood by observation and reason.
Find out how Christians describe God here.