What will happen when we die?
5m 46s
Everyone is forced to confront the question: what happens when we die?
Some people say “nothing”—our bodies just decompose, and we cease to exist.
But Christians believe death is not the end. It’s followed by an afterlife, a life after this life, in which we’ll spend eternity with God, or apart from him.
People have criticized this belief up and down the centuries as naïve or anti-scientific or “opium for the masses,” designed to soothe those who are suffering on earth.
But there are good reasons to believe there is something else after death.
Since Lent is traditionally a time to reflect on the “Last Things”—death, judgment, Heaven, and Hell—that’s what we’ll be doing through this short video series.
Watch the first video to learn more about death and what follows:
Can science define all reality? What are some example of reality that science can’t define?
How do the doctrines of heaven and hell appeal to our sense of justice?