Facebook HQ talk
Talks & Lectures
Every day, millions of people argue about religion on social media. The comboxes of religious and atheist sites are among the most visited and the most heated in the virtual space. But what I find interesting is how few people really know how to have a good religious argument. Lots of energy, lots of sharp words, and lots of strong feelings are expressed. But rarely do we come across productive, rational argument about religion. In my talk, I'll pave a way forward, showing how we all, believer and nonbeliever alike, can share better religious discussions.
Up Next in Talks & Lectures
Catholicism & Beauty - LA Congress
Bishop Barron speaks on beauty at the annual 2018 Los Angeles Religious Education Conference
Mercy Night - WYD Krakow 2016
Bishop Barron's talk at the 2016 World Youth Day “Night of Mercy” event hosted by the Knights of Columbus on July 27, 2016. Over 25,000 young people were present at the Tauron Arean in Kraków, Poland to hear the message of mercy.
Bishop Barron’s West Point Address
Friends, the Bible has a lot to say about soldiers. In this address at Cadet Chapel in West Point, NY, I discuss three soldiers from the Old Testament and draw truth from their stories.