Mighty Ones, Look Upon Your Works and Despair — Bishop Barron’s Sunday Sermon
Friends, are you spending your time building a pedestal for yourself, or are you breathing life into others? Think about the fact that whatever legitimate authority you have, it ultimately comes from God. And then think about how you're cooperating with and best using that grace.
Up Next in Sermons
Why God Chose You — Bishop Barron’s S...
Friends, in a universe governed by God's providence, there is no such thing as “dumb luck” or coincidence. Therefore, his election and his choosing is not arbitrary or exclusive. Rather, when God invites his people to mission, he is not calling them for their own sakes, but for the sake of the wh...
The Worst of Religion, the Best of Re...
Friends, there is a beautiful side to religion: it reveals profound truth, it speaks prophetically to the wider culture, and it teaches about God. But there is a brutal side too: it can make you hateful toward enemies, it can fill you with rage, and it can give rise to violence. When we feel the ...
God’s Gift for You — Bishop Barron’s ...
Friends, from Genesis to Revelation, Scripture begins and ends on the principle of the primacy of grace. In the Christian religion, there is no such thing as "conditional love." Rather, God gives freely, and it is our task to accept it. "All who are thirsty, come to the water!" And what is the wa...