Joy for the Brokenhearted — Bishop Barron’s Sunday Sermon
Friends, today is Gaudete Sunday. It is a command to rejoice, for Jesus has made us rich through his entrance into poverty. We are reminded both by Pope Francis and the Gospel reading that we must reach out to those on the periphery, suffering from poverty—whether economic, political, or existential—just as Christ has done for us. Our sin caves us in our ourselves, but through Christ, we are liberated to reach out in love to God and our neighbor. We can rejoice because the Messiah has come to wrap us in a mantle of justice and a robe of salvation.
Up Next in Sermons
It’s Time to Come Home — Bishop Barro...
Friends, in the first reading today, we hear of a people exiled from their homeland of Jerusalem, in need of a highway to bring them home safely across the rough terrain. In the Gospels, we find a people still in need of that highway home, but this time because of a spiritual rather than physical...
Naming What We All Know — Bishop Barr...
Friends, Advent is when we reflect upon the arrival of our Savior who came to ransom his people. We cannot think to ourselves, “I’m basically fine, spiritually.” Rather, we must be penitent; we must remember our lonely captivity. This liturgical season is about shaping softened hearts, making the...
The One True King — Bishop Barron’s S...
Friends, Christ is the King of all things. His rule is characterized not by totalitarianism or despotism, but rather by lovingkindness and sacrifice. He constantly reaches out his hands to defend the weak and sick, going to the limits of godforsakenness to bring back those who have wandered. We c...