The Mass
Catholicism 101
8m 18s
In the Mass, Jesus gives himself to us to consume, so we may become like him.
Jesus transforms ordinary things—bread and wine—into his Body and Blood when the priest says the words from the Last Supper: “This is my body” and “This is my blood.”
See how we can become part of God in this video with Rachel Bulman.
Up Next in Catholicism 101
Following Jesus
For Christians, happiness is the state of a person who participates in the divine nature of God.
Jesus describes these happy souls in his Sermon on the Mount, specifically in the Beatitudes.
Explore Jesus’ advice on happiness in this short video with Fr. Stephen Gadberry. -
Catholic Social Teaching
Catholics have a lot to say about a well-ordered and functional society.
Collectively called “Catholic Social Teaching,” the key principles are: pursuing the common good; holding our leaders and our laws to the standard of justice; and promoting a culture of life for all people.
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